We’ve had our fair share of winter weather lately here in the Maritimes, which has forced a lot of us to spend a little extra time indoors. What better time than this to stay busy by working on some small home maintenance projects? Take an afternoon to putter around the house to make these easy changes that can make a world of difference. From the bathroom to the kitchen to insurance and beyond, here are ways you can take care of your home:

In the bathroom:
New caulking is a cheap and effective way to not only make your bathroom look better but also protect your home from water damage and mold.

Next, the kitchen:
If you have a gas stove or a coil electric stovetop, clean out any grease or bits of food that have fallen underneath. Cleaning the inside of your oven is also important because an unclean oven can be a fire hazard.

To the laundry room:
This isn’t usually the most gorgeous room in any house, but it does serve a very practical purpose. Consider space-saving ideas: how can you incorporate shelving or storage boxes to make the space do double duty? Simple, affordable storage ideas are available at most hardware and big box stores. While you’re at it, clean out your dryer vents to protect your home from fires. To do this, turn on your dryer on a particularly chilly day and go outside; you should be able to clearly see the fog in the hot air. If it seems clogged, clear it out.

And don’t forget insurance:
Home insurance is the best way to take care of your home. Despite your best efforts to keep your home safe, the unexpected can happen. If something goes wrong, you’ll rest easier knowing that you’re covered. Not sure what kind of home insurance you need? Speak to a MacLeod Lorway broker today!