The holidays might the most wonderful time of the year, but they can also be the most stressful. Believe it or not, Atlantic Canadians on average spend more on the holidays than Canadians from other provinces – over $820 on gifts alone! With so much going on during the holidays, you don’t want any extra stresses. Prevent holiday-induced heart palpitations by safeguarding yourself from the two biggest threats during the winter months: house fires and theft.


Protect your home from fires:
Twinkly lights are beautiful but can be dangerous if wires are frayed. Before hanging, check the cords thoroughly to make sure there’s no damage. Once you’ve hung them, it may be tempting to show off your hard work by leaving your lights on all night long, but it’s safest to turn them off before you go to bed.


If you’re hanging lights around a tree indoors, don’t let the tree get dry – you’d just be giving a potential fire extra kindling. Keep your tree in a stand with a reservoir and water it regularly (this will also keep your tree looking fresher longer). Since you may be lighting your fireplace more often or using candles in your holiday decorating, it’s essential to check your smoke and carbon monoxide detectors.


Prevent theft:
Nicely wrapped gifts around the tree are a beautiful sight – and unfortunately thieves agree. Keeping all of your gifts around the tree makes it very easy for thieves to grab everything in one fell swoop. If you plan on keeping your gifts under the tree, valuable, easy-to-grab-and-go gifts (think smartphones, jewelry, etc.) should be kept hidden until they’re ready to be given to their intended recipient. At the very least, keep your tree and gifts away from a window so thieves won’t see an easy opportunity.


Don’t post about out-of-town holiday plans on social media as it lets people know your home will be empty. If you are going away, give a key to a neighbour you trust so they can periodically check in.


No matter how you spend the holidays, we hope you’re safe and secure. To prevent stress and protect your home year-round, talk to a Macleod Lorway broker today for insurance to suit your unique needs.